Sunday, August 14, 2016

Sunday Morning Update

8:50 a.m.

Well, last night was hell, as it is with puppies.  I'd forgotten. Rhyn, however, was a special case; he came from a foster home with 12 other dogs, 3 of which were his siblings.  Here? No brothers, so quiet, and only one other dog (who doesn't want to hang out with him just yet).

Every hour or so, Rhyn would start up whining.  To be fair, he did go pee every time we took him out into the yard.

This morning I realized, as he crashed on the towel I'd laid on the patio (hoping to give Mark some extra sleep, and Zoey some peace, we took the party outside), that his foster couldn't afford extras, other than what Underdog Rescue provided her.  So, of course Rhyn hadn't laid on a cushy dog bed! How could he be expected to sleep on it!  So, the bed is out of the crate, and the towel (which smells nicely of me and Rhyn now) is in his crate and hopefully he'll sleep better tonight. Or sleep, period.

Plans for today:  Rhyn will have a 'Petco Puppy Playtime" at 3:30, and we'll buy a collar for him while were there.  I'm having a hard time getting a wriggling puppy into a little tiny harness, so collar it will be until he quits being so darned wriggly!

Have I said how cute this little prince is?

 "Yes, I am big enough to get in the water bucket"

Chasing his tail this morning...

And his big 'sis' yesterday, hanging out just as pretty as you please...

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