Saturday, August 13, 2016

Rhyn Comes Home!

It is 9:56 pm and we've all had a very long day, except perhaps for my husband.  We picked up Rhyn about 12:45 pm, and the plan was that Joann and I and Rhyn would meet Mark and Zoey at a small park near our house, but that plan went to heck when poor 9 week old Rhyn, overexcited by all the barking dogs and many people at the doggy day care where we picked him up, puked on Joann.  Twice. In the car. We hadn't been on the road 2 minutes.

Joann noticed Rhyn drooling, and I thought - great, I've got a mixed breed puppy who drools, so which breed is that - and the next thing, puke. We were just thinking - 'meeting Mark and Zoey at the park is off the table', and I'm ineffectively handing Joann tissues and trying to drive and worrying about Rhyn and feeling awful for Joann and ... Well, it wasn't a pleasant time.  I've got dog puke in my car down the sides of both seats in the front, and chunks in the tracks that the seats slide on.  There's dog puke on my shorts, my shirt, Joann's covered in it, seems like.

It's nice to know Rhyn's 'tell' for puking, though - if I see heavy drool again I'll know something's coming...

We pulled in the driveway just as Mark was leaving, so we were able to flag him down and he pulled back in the garage and took Zoey for a 45 minute walk, allowing Joann and I (and Rhyn, who was feeling just fine by now!) to recover and clean up a bit; of course, Joann couldn't really clean up until she got home and took a shower and changed clothes.

After she left for home, and Rhyn was settled in his crate, I left for a car place that cleaned interiors, or I thought it did.  I should have called Mr. Mister in Roseville, but I didn't.  I arrived, told my story, and wasn't helped, except to be given the phone number of the Mr. Mister in Shoreview, which didn't answer the phone. I called the Edina Mr. Mister and they didn't do interiors either, so I came back home, got the shop vac out, rug cleaner, a bucket of soapy water, and the Nature's Miracle Enzyme Cleaner I keep on hand for any pet accidents (it works very well to get rid of any animal odors; so well they can't even smell what was there before!).

What seemed like an hour later, my car was clean and I'm ready to hang out with my new puppy in the back yard, along with Zoey.  We called our friends Anne and Bill to come meet the new guy, and had a nice time just sitting in the grass watching Rhyn be a charming puppy and Zoey hang out with the adults.  Later on, wonder of wonders, Zoey started giving Rhyn play bows and running around the yard and little Rhyn took her up on it!  He rolled down the hill more often than not (so cute!), but he kept up well enough for Zoey to have a great time.  I was so pleased to see this quick adoption by Zoey of the new little prince.  That really took a load of stress off me; I'd been worried for weeks that somehow I was completely wrong and Zoey did NOT want a companion dog...

So now, many hours later - Rhyn was put in his crate about 8 after having a little bit of food and some water (he was whining so thought he's probably hungry and thirsty and he was).  He whined for 15 minutes and finally quieted down.  He was quiet for about and hour, and then whined pretty strongly, so out he came for a pee and then back to bed. He whined again for about 15 minutes, and he's been quiet now for about 40 minutes.  I hope he sleeps for a few hours now. I know he's a young puppy but he's not had much water and not a lot of food this evening, so he ought to make it for at least 4 hours; he's got a very comfy bed in a nice crate with a quilt over it for snuggli-ness, and he's safe.  I'll let you know in the next entry how well he does tonight.  And yes, we've ordered the Mars Veterinary Wisdom Panel DNA 3.0 kit, should be here Monday.

Here's a few photos taken this evening. Look at the size of those paws!

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