Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Paws and Foreheads

When I see Rhyn, I see a big almost-fluffy doggy-bear.  His paws are soft and 'fat', big and fluffy; Zoey's paws where never like this - if they were, it was a very brief time.

He has 'tail feathers' now on his back legs, and longer fur on his tail, with a nice curly-q at the end.

I've lately noticed, as he's now turned 4 months old, the addition of some 'wrinkly' skin on his forehead. So cute.

His last weigh-in, on September 23rd, he weighed 24 pounds.

Rhyn's Wrinkly Forehead

Friday, September 23, 2016

Keeping a Teething Puppy Occupied

A good chew/gnaw bone, like the Red Barn White Bones, which are not messy and don't create cleaning problems for the house, like so many do.

Rhyn absolutely loves his bone, and Zoey gets her own bone, too.  Even as an adult, she still likes to chew on a Red Barn White Bone!

Rhyn and his bone

Rhyn and his bone

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

I Must Remember Rhyn is a Baby Puppy

I took Rhyn up to the Saint Anthony Park Home this morning, just to say hey to a few people and see if I could get Lisa to play the piano.  I was curious as to Rhyn's reaction to that, and wheelchairs.

Needless to say, he had no reaction.  I swear, this little prince is the most non-reactive puppy - except when a roomful of other puppies are coming down the pike at him.  Ha ha.

On the drive home, I noticed the tell-tale signs of impending vomit ... Rhyn drooling.  Sure enough, about halfway home, Rhyn gave up all he'd eaten this morning from breakfast on.  I love how dogs puke so quietly, not like cats at all.

Luckily I keep two thick blankets in the back so they are easily washed, and nothing landed on the car seat itself.

Anyway.  The drive combined with new experiences is just too much for a little one to take.  He'd thrown up the last (and only) time we'd gone to SAPH, too.  So, that much of a drive is out for Rhyn until he's at least six months old, if not older.  I'm just glad he can make it to puppy class and Pet Supplies Plus without any issues!

Rhyn, 15 weeks old

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Too Much Dog Food Causes Loose Bowels

Quite the subject line, no?  After talking about the continued problems with Rhyn having loose bowel movements with my friend Bill at Pet Supplies Plus in Minneapolis, he asked how much food I was feeding him.  Turns out I was feeding him too much, because since I cut back on the food Friday his bowels have been normal!  THANK DOG!  It wasn't the quality of the food, it wasn't Roundworm, it wasn't a secondary infection (although I'm sure the antibiotics didn't hurt at all), it was that I was feeding him too much food. I'll be bringing him a six-pack as a 'thank-you' for sure!!!

On a 'getting along' note:  Yesterday Zoey has finally had enough of Rhyn continuing to pester her after he'd been warned off.  And I guess my 'human' idea that she was 'allowing' him to 'steal' her bone was also very misguided.  Zoey is nothing if not polite, until she's not polite anymore.  Zoey let Rhyn have it twice yesterday, pretty badly - no blood drawn but Rhyn went squealing in terror to the house where Mark and I met him and calmed him down.  It was pretty scary for a little baby puppy, but I'm hoping he's learned his lesson. Don't steal from the big dogs!!!

Rhyn using the big bed as a headrest

Friday, September 16, 2016


Zoey has taught Rhyn the Way of the Squirrel very well - a milestone today for Rhyn, when he chased a squirrel at the top of the fence down the length of the fence, puppy-barking all the way. He was quite proud of himself.

Rhyn in the Iris Bed

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Rhyn's Going to Be Big....

... or is he?  We'll see.

Perfection. Zoey is almost 4 (in November) and Rhyn is 14 weeks today.

I've never had a puppy whose paws seem to get bigger - it's always the rest of the dog growing into the paws.

Something else I've never experienced before, in the canine world: When Rhyn gets angry or physically hurt, his tail fluffs up, just like a cat's.  I've noticed it twice so far, both unfortunately when Zoey's been a little too strong in her correction.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

A Great Day

Rhyn is 21 pounds today.

He's on his third batch of Panacur (Roundworm medication); the second day of a 3-dose run.  After this batch, he should be fine; we'll find out on the 20th.

Today Rhyn experienced neighborhood kids bouncing their ball; a lawnmower across the street, husband weed-eating (he wanted to attack it!).  He met the next-door dog and rolled over on his back almost immediately, and then was up trying to entice Kai to play. (Nope, Kai's all grown up).  And!  Zoey and Rhyn played Mattress Tag for a while - Rhyn's not tall enough to get on the bed, and Zoey takes full advantage of that.  Lots of jawing going on, and barking! Rhyn has a very strident bark!

And this photo, taken just a few minutes ago:  The closest Zoey and Rhyn have fallen asleep yet.

Saturday, September 10, 2016


There is absolutely nothing to wear a dog out like dog-to-dog play.  Nothing.  Well, of course, if you have two dogs.  If you don't, then you get to be the 'dog toy' and general all-around play toy.

It is amazing to watch how dogs interact and play. They are the most respectful animals I've ever watched interact. Zoey constantly brings herself down to Rhyn's level to make it easier for him. And they can sit and 'jaw' each other for many many minutes without tiring. #jawing #dogplay #dogandpuppyequality

Zoey and Rhyn Running

Zoey and Rhyn Running

Zoey and Rhyn Jawing

Zoey Going Down to Rhyn's Level

Zoey on Equal Ground for Rhyn

Friday, September 9, 2016

Rhyn Milestones

Yesterday's weight, at 13 weeks, was 20 pounds.

And this morning!  Zoey's squirrel excitement has started to sink in with Rhyn - he actually ran toward the fence when he saw a squirrel running along the top; albeit it was more like a 'fast walk' but at least the interest in "prey" is starting.

Third puppy class last night, and it was the first 'drop leash play' time; only a few minutes, but one of the bigger puppies freaked Rhyn out and he became frightened.  We calmed him and the other 'wallflower' down, both the youngest puppies in class, and hopefully it won't affect next week's "drop leash playtime".

Rhyn loves to sleep on his back...  And no, he hasn't so far tried to chew on the electric cord; I am keeping a very close eye on this...

Rhyn's favorite way to sleep

Rhyn's hind leg close-up sleeping shot

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Not Always What They Seem...

This is a great nonchalant photo of Rhyn. Doesn't he look cool and collected! Although at second glance there is a bit of concern...  And the next shot one paw fell off the stair and he came tumbling down, like baby puppies do.  He is always willing to try something new, so far!

Rhyn on the stair wall

On a crate-training note:  He is starting to be able to be in the crate during the day for longer and longer periods without whining and carrying on (have only gone to two hours, given his bladder size).  We are still amazed that from the third night he's been able to go overnight in his crate without going to the bathroom.

When he gets out in the morning for his breakfast and to start the day, he always has to run back inside to get a couple of favorite toys (even though the door is left open), and almost always has to share them with me. This little Austwegian Shepherd© has the most loving personality!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Dog Language

After a round of playing, Zoey displayed her teeth, and wrinkled her face.  And you can see the result on Rhyn. He knows to go the other direction, and for the time being play is over.

Zoey says "go on"

 Before that, though, they were playing nicely.  Rhyn likes to get up on top of Zoey; she's learned to pirouette nicely underneath, which often knocks Rhyn off his feet, which is the intended result.

Zoey and Rhyn Playing

Zoey and Rhyn Playing

Zoey and Rhyn Playing

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Playing in the Rain

Rhyn seems unfazed by the rain, light or heavy. So far he hasn't reacted to thunderstorms, either, but we've only had two since he's been with us, and he was in his crate at the time.

Rainy this morning and forecast for the next several days. Now to keep Rhyn's paws out of muddy holes of his own making...

Rhyn's fur seems to be changing ... getting longer along his spine, and little extra curl at the end of his tail.

Rhyn Sipping Rainwater

Rhyn with a River Birch branch

Rhyn with a River Birch branch

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Three Weeks and a Day

Zoey and Rhyn are playing every day now. Zoey counsels Rhyn as he needs it; I've learned to mostly hold my tongue. She knows what she's doing. I don't speak Dog so I need to trust her. She occasionally does get too strident, and then I will step in and tell both of them to knock it off and things get back on a more even keel.  Zoey constantly tips herself over on her back to bring herself down to Rhyn's height and it's just so much fun to watch.

Vet appointment for 2nd Puppy Booster vaccinations went well - Rhyn has gained six pounds in a couple weeks! He's now at 18 lbs 2 oz.  The vet suggested we try a less 'rich' puppy food (re: continued puppy poops) so we've done that and like magic - his poop is now normal and not as often. He went from Orijen Puppy to Fromm Gold Puppy.

On another dog food note, Zoey hasn't been eating her food as well lately, so I decided to just do away with Orijen altogether and go back to her standard of Zignature Limited Ingredient Dog food, in Duck flavor. She's eating like normal now.

Rhyn definitely knows he's home, and definitely knows we are his guardians. He often looks to my husband or I just to make sure we're there - and now he's started looking out for Zoey. If Zoey's out in the yard with him when we're playing, all other play stops, because he's got to play with Zoey. Now the humans in the house can't wait until those nasty puppy teeth are gone...

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Life Experiences, Part One (Rhyn)

A few days ago, dad got the Auto harp out, but I didn't react to it at all, even when it was getting tuned up.

Today!  Today I had my first car ride using the Vastar seatbelt harness to Seven Spokes Bicycle Shop, where I met humans on bicycles, and a little human girl who was so excited to meet me, and a little human boy who couldn't walk yet. I licked his toes, he was tasty!!!

Then my 'second' car ride going over to Pet Supplies Plus in Minneapolis, where I got to do a little shopping and picked out my own pig's ear, but momma wouldn't let me have it. I got a little bully stick instead.

Bill trimmed my nails for me, little as they are.

And then, my 'third' car ride home.

Now I am resting, and enjoying my bully stick.

Tonight is my second puppy class!!!  I am having a full wonderful puppy day!